*** For Anyone who cannot shake their Panic Attacks or Chronic Anxiety ***

How To Release Your Anxiety, Forever.

Without talk therapy, traditional meditation, supplements, hypnosis,

breathing techniques, journaling, or affirmations.


Anxiety, it’s gone.

My anxiety was in my chest all the time.

I would just feel it heavy.

I know anxiety runs in my family, clearly like my Dad has it.

But I don't wanna go on medication. Sometimes I wouldn't sleep well because of it you know, and now, it's gone.

I don't have that feeling, like ever...and I feel like there's more for me to do now than there was.

I have more on my plate now than when we started.

Kristine Ziffra

Coach, Mama Project


I've been through countless books and mini courses and emails about productivity.

I was convinced that I'm just an irresponsible person who doesn't do my rituals and my meditations and I can't get my head on straight.

And then John Graham shows up, starts emailing these things like, oh, that stuff doesn't matter.

I'm like, who is this guy?...nobody's saying this.

How could you blaspheme meditation!?

What is he doing?

And then I got into the program and it literally has changed my life.

Now I can actually execute and do whatever I want, whenever I want.

Kirsch Mackey


Very overwhelmed about all the things, pressure of doing lots of things... feeling like I don't have time to do the things that I want to do.

I had a huge FEAR that I was never gonna do it, not gonna make it.

It was driving myself crazy.

I learned...a strategy to handle all the things in my life.

The overwhelm feeling completely disappeared. I do more, complete more.

I now have

the power to release any negative emotion

within minutes, instead of holding onto it for weeks/days.

I can bring myself up again...to happiness.

I feel powerful!

I finally found a way to make it happen...find time and space and energy to handle all my work, studies, business, and life.

Paola C.

Entrepreneur, Professional, & Student


Found John online, which wasn't hard, because he's one of the greatest memory champions in the world.

John's technique, patience, and understanding of how the brain works...it was indispensable, I cannot recommend John enough, he's a fantastic coach and a great guy.

So, please, please if you get a chance work with John.

Mike George

Standup Comedian / Award Winning Writer


Everything that was holding me back, in my personal life too, was revealed.

I have shifted significantly over these weeks and it's been recognized by people around me.

I feel very, very focused.

Very crystal clear on what I'm shooting for.

I'm excited about my North Star, my big picture numbers, and my big picture life that I'm creating for myself.

Lauren Fay

Reiki Master, Empowerment Coach for Substance Addictions


For me to truly feel calm on the inside...I don't know if I've ever really experienced that in my life except maybe being sedated for my surgeries.

I created this environment that allows me to be calm.

To be fully present with my kids and enjoy more moments with them.

Lauren Saffoori

Owner/Coach, Lady Lax Goalies & NeuroVisual training franchise

© 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Optimize Your Mind, LLC.


Disclaimer: Success is hard. We coached every one of our clients through anxiety, panic attacks, fear, overwhelm, and challenges to expand their potential and mind. Everyone is different, therefore your results will be different. If you are looking for "quick fixes" look elsewhere.

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